The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine

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The visual depiction of the mystic betrothal of the Infant Jesus to Catherine came from words given to her in 'The Golden Legend', written by Jacopo de Voragine in the thirteenth century. Here the Christ child, sitting in the Virgin's lap, is giving Saint Catherine a ring, guided by his mother. Catherine is kneeling, holding her martyr's palm and the spiked wheel on which she was tortured. The sword with which she was finally beheaded by the pagan Emperor Maxentius, in around AD 310, lies between them.

This is an early expanded copy from a much-copied smaller painting in the Museo di Capodimonte, Naples by Correggio.

National Trust, Stourhead



The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine


oil on canvas


H 136.5 x W 104.5 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from Sir Henry Hugh Arthur Hoare along with the estate, house and its contents, 1946

Work type



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National Trust, Stourhead

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