Can anyone contribute?

If you can make an informed comment about an artwork displayed on Art UK, or an artist with work on Art UK, we encourage you to contribute to Art Detective.

What kind of information can be submitted to Art Detective?

Contributions should be supported by evidence, or by unique or specialist knowledge. We welcome information on whom unidentified sitters may be, artist attributions, artwork execution dates, subject matter and provenance.

Can I view a high-resolution image of an artwork under discussion?

Many images on Art UK have a resolution w1200 x h1200. Right click and select 'Open image in a new tab' (the resolution is shown in the URL). Requests for higher-resolution images can be made to Art UK, who will contact the collection. Collections own the rights to the high-resolution images of the artworks shown on Art UK. Also, the artwork itself may be in copyright if the artist is alive, or died within the last 70 years. The collection may agree to share a high-resolution image with you privately via Art UK.

Can I use Art Detective to seek advice on artworks in my possession?

No. Art Detective was established to improve knowledge of the UK’s public art collection, as displayed on Art UK. We cannot answer enquiries about artworks that do not appear on the Art UK website. Local museums may also be able to help with research. If you want to know how much an artwork you own is worth, please contact a reputable auction house.

What are the links to NICE Paintings?

NICE Paintings (the National Inventory of Continental European Paintings) is an online catalogue of pre-1900 continental European artworks in the UK’s public museums and galleries. It was created by the National Inventory Research Project (NIRP), based at the University of Glasgow. It was initiated in 2001 by the National Gallery and a committee of regional curators to address the decline in collection research in the UK’s regional museums and to make collection information more widely accessible.

How do I report a comment?

To report a comment, click the exclamation mark that appears when your cursor is hovering over a comment. The exclamation mark will turn orange to indicate the comment has been reported. Art UK reviews reported comments and can remove them if necessary. The reported comments will only be checked during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am–5.30pm).

I want to stop receiving emails from Art Detective. How do I change my settings?

You will receive email notifications from Art Detective if you are following a group, following a discussion, or if a response is posted to a discussion you started. If you are watching a group, you will automatically watch any new discussions that are posted which are assigned to that group. You can tell if you are watching a group or a discussion by signing into Art Detective and going to the individual group page, or to the discussions pages. If the ‘eye’ symbol is green it means you are watching the group or discussion. Click the ‘eye’ to unwatch groups or discussions.

I can’t find my question among the Discussions on the website. Where is it?

To view the status of your submission, please sign in. If you need help signing in, please email artdetective@artuk.org