Completed British 20th C, except portraits, North West England: Artists and Subjects, Scotland: Artists and Subjects 14 comments Can anyone identify these two lighthouses?
Photo credit: Walker Art Gallery
Can anyone identify where these two lighthouses on the Dutch coast are or were?
Completed, Outcome
This discussion is now closed. The title has been adjusted to ‘Dutch Coast Scene: The Old Lighthouse and the Andreaskerk at Katwijk aan Zee’.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the discussion. To anyone viewing this discussion for the first time, please see below for all the comments that led to this conclusion.
I suspect the lighthouses are / were down coast from Dortrecht. The artist spent a great deal of time in the Netherlands and his main location is documented as Dortrecht. Hope this helps start further research.
This looks like Katwijk aan Zee on the coast near Leiden, a few miles north-east of Scheveningen. The rather weathered lighthouse stands south-west of the white lighthouse-like tower of the Andreaskerk. This stretch has undergone some development, but the towers can still be seen from the Boulevard:,4.3885679,3a,90y,44.16h,92.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxEjSHbgsULzoh9pZRH8-MQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
There is a 1906 W.A. Gibson painting from the other direction (Hunterian, Glasgow):
I should have noticed this as I was a Curator in Liverpool before becoming a curator at the Hunterian
The old lighthouse ("vuurtoren" on maps) is now gleaming white, missing its old lantern storey and rather more distant than it seems in the painting. No doubt about the identification however, as the church is unmistakable.
Further to this, assuming the identification is correct, the upper stages of the church tower were apparently taken down in the Second World War, but rebuilt in similar form:{LPARENTHESES} Katwijk).
The lighthouse, which is roughly 250 metres on the near side of the church, has a long history:;
It is rather less gleaming in an old postcard(?): Photographs generally suggest that the painting shows it somewhat slimmer (and/or taller) than in reality, unless today's landscaped base is later.
Another try:{LPARENTHESES} Katwijk)
This photo shows both the church and the lighthouse in 1894.
'Dutch coast scene: the old lighthouse and the Andreaskerk at Katwijk aan Zee' is a potential title adjustment which includes a good range of search terms.
...and I meant to add that since the question has clearly been answered with skilled rapidity by those pitching in, I use the distant appearance of the sea as pretext to make the formal suggestion that the discussion can close once the collection and Art UK agree on a title adjustment - as immediately above or similar.
Matthew, there is a (very) long-standing and (very) long-complained of software glitch on this forum that causes any link containing something in brackets to fail: it frequently happens with ones to Wikipedia articles. The way round it is to use a free URL-shortener like (there are others) to make your links. Thus for your first link:
Matthew, we're sorry for the problem with the link. Osmund, thank you for the temporary solution and the reminder to fix it.
Pieter, the collection is aware of the discussion.
Hello. Thank you very much for this interesting information. We will add it to our object files and collection database.
Fine Art Curators, Walker Art Gallery