Completed Maritime Subjects, Scotland: Artists and Subjects 7 comments Could 'Harbour Scene with Boats' definitely be Dordrecht?

Photo credit: The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum
Could 'Harbour Scene with Boats' definitely depict Dordrecht?
Completed, Outcome
The additional title information has now been amended to '(Dordrecht, the Netherlands)'.
This change will appear on the Your Paintings website by the end of August 2014. Thank you to all for participating in this discussion. To those viewing this discussion for the first time, please see below for all comments that led to this conclusion.
Quick web image search suggests that looks very probable, the domed spire in the centre near the Maas waterfront being fairly easily found as well as the Grote Kirk (separately): direct enquiry to either the Dordrechts Museum or local visitor information centre suggested if collection wishes to pursue. Its one for 'local knowledge'.
The view is indeed entirely consistent with Dordrecht, with the distinctive silhouette of the church, the Grote Kerk. See the Cuyp landscape at for a strikingly similar viewpoint. This Macallum 1894 view (see the larger image in Your Paintings) shows the addition of the Groothooofdspoort dome of 1692 towards the right hand end of the town
I agree with the above, this is a view of Dordrecht, with the two distinctive topographical features of the city (the Grote Kerk and the Groothoofdspoort) clearly visible.
Point demonstrated, I think: I recommend we leave it there for the collection to hoist on board.
I don't know this painter (who also worked in watercolour), but am glad to make his acquaintance. As the short Wiki entry on him suggests, he seems only to have used Hamilton as a first name for exhibition purposes and showed a total of 23 works at the RA, 1876-96, many with genre 'subject' titles so not specific on place.
Dear all. Thank you for that information. I am sending an image to Dordrecht for their interest but i am satisfied that the location is correct. ONly 300 more to do.
McLachlan was also an etcher- but this side of his work was not as good as his paintings, although it did have a contemporary article devoted to it