Completed British 19th C, except portraits, British 20th C, except portraits, Continental European after 1800, Maritime Subjects 4 comments Where in La Rochelle is this 'Harbour Scene'?
Photo credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Having pinned down several subjects painted in the 1920s in La Rochelle by John Everett in other public discussions, this is (I think) the last which may also be in the historic area there.
If it strikes a visual bell with anyone more familiar with the town – my acquaintance on the ground being brief and long back – I would be grateful for suggestions so we can catalogue it more accurately.
Completed, Outcome
The title of this painting has been amended to 'Oxford: The East End of the Old Ashmolean Museum, Looking towards Broad Street'.
This amend will appear on the Your Paintings website by the end of July 2015. Thank you to The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum, Andrea and Pieter for participating in this discussion. To those viewing this discussion for the first time, please see below for all comments that led to this conclusion.
it looks like Paroisse de Christ saveur but not quite.
The Temple protestant, maybe?
My apologies for starting a hare in the wrong direction. Having looked at these two suggestions and realized the building to left was more baroque than anything I could find looking at churches etc in La Rochelle, it occurred to me that the two pillars against what looks like a sunlit southern street-front behind had monumental carved heads on top, which -after more puzzling as to where such might be in or about Rochelle- sparked a thought closer to home: for indeed they are.
Its not a 'harbour scene' waterfront in France but the north side of Broad Street, Oxford, in sunshine with -in shadow on the left - the end of the old Ashmolean Museum building (now the Museum of the History of Science). The heads are the first of those those that run off to right, around the northern railings of the Sheldonian Theatre. Everett has his back towards the Bodleian Library, as does John Fulleylove in the image reproduced here ( from before the buildings were stuccoed presumably):
However, I would not have got there without your prompts, so many thanks nonetheless. The title will now be changed to 'Oxford: the east end of the old Ashmolean Museum, looking towards Broad Street'.
This picture therefore goes with another one of Oxford by Everett which has been noted as an 'untraced find' in the Sewerby Hall Museum collection: