Completed British 20th C, except portraits 10 comments Who painted this river scene?

Photo credit: Leeds Museums and Galleries
Does anyone recognise the signature lower left?
Art UK: The collection has no further information, but there are two details of the signature (attached).
Completed, Outcome
This discussion is now closed. The artist was identified as José Weiss (1859–1919). A biography deriving from sources included in the discussion is now on Art UK.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the discussion. To anyone viewing this discussion for the first time, please see below for all the comments that led to this conclusion.
I see J R Webb. No time to look up artists at the moment.
It's José Weiss (1859–1919), many works on Art UK and several visible signatures, e.g. 'Near Amberley, Sussex', Kirklees Museums and Galleries. And
Looks Barbizon School to me. Circle of Rousseau, mid 19th century?
The artist you are looking for is Jose Weiss.
Such a brilliant underrated painter.
Geoffrey S Wright
Not much in the way of biography immediately apparent:
Presumably the following entry is also rolling two different men into one:
Curious and curiousier: these suggest he was both an airman and a painter, the second by identifying a related patent filed from his known artistic address:é_Weiss
Are there any newspaper obituaries, which would perhaps clarify?
See attached biography of Weiss
Thanks Andrew, I see you found it here, which returned a 404 error 'no-show' when I first tried it for some reason, and hence the other casting around:
It's more than enough to produce something short as an ArtUK profile so can this now close having answered Martin's original question?
Thank you for offering to do that, Pieter. I don't think there can be any serious doubt as to the attribution to José Weiss so am happy to recommend it.