Manx National Heritage Name Manx National Heritage Activity 1 discussion, 13 comments Type Collection Collection details Manx National Heritage Recent discussions and comments Photo credit: : Manx National Heritage Artist Dress and Textiles, North West England: Artists and Subjects, Portraits: British 18th C 11 comments Completed Can we clarify the identity of the sitter Hester Heywood and who painted her? Photo credit: : Manx National Heritage Artist Maritime Subjects 74 comments Completed Can you help us learn more about the Tudgay family of artists? Photo credit: : Manx National Heritage Artist Continental European after 1800, Portraits: British 19th C 55 comments Completed Is this portrait of Janet Blake by René Théodore Berthon (1776–1859)?
Photo credit: : Manx National Heritage Artist Dress and Textiles, North West England: Artists and Subjects, Portraits: British 18th C 11 comments Completed Can we clarify the identity of the sitter Hester Heywood and who painted her?
Photo credit: : Manx National Heritage Artist Maritime Subjects 74 comments Completed Can you help us learn more about the Tudgay family of artists?
Photo credit: : Manx National Heritage Artist Continental European after 1800, Portraits: British 19th C 55 comments Completed Is this portrait of Janet Blake by René Théodore Berthon (1776–1859)?