Painter, draughtsman and designer, born and based in Rochdale, Lancashire, best known for his depictions of the town between 1930–70. In the 1950s Hemingway and L S Lowry would walk around Rochdale, selecting planned-for-demolition buildings which should be recorded using Hemingway’s distinctive colour and light. The son of a painter and decorator, Hemingway left school at 13 and worked at John Bright’s Mill, eventually as a carpet designer. While working he trained at the local Art School, winning many awards for the design of fabrics, carpets and posters. Hemingway was a member of Rochdale Art Society and the Lancashire Group of Artists and undertook several commissions for Rochdale Corporation. His set designs for Rochdale Curtain Theatre formed the basis of his first exhibition in 1938, and subsequent shows, as well as London and Cambridge, were held widely in Lancashire.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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