Italian painter, sculptor, designer, caricaturist, and writer, born in Sassari, Sardinia. The year after his birth his family moved to Rome. In 1902 he began studying engineering (his father's profession), but he abandoned it for painting in 1903. At life classes at the Academy in Rome he became friendly with *Balla, *Boccioni (with whom he shared a flat in Paris in 1908), and *Severini, and in 1914 he moved to Milan and joined the *Futurists. However, his association with the movement was for ideological rather than stylistic reasons: his paintings of the period were often concerned with modern urban life, but they are solid rather than dynamic in feeling. After the First World War, in which he served at the front, Sironi returned to Milan and was briefly influenced by *Metaphysical Painting.

Text source: A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press)

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