Portrait of an Unknown Woman with a Parrot

Image credit: Southwark Art Collection

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This painting depicts an elegantly dressed young woman who is feeding a parrot. Parrots have a vast amount of iconographic importance attached to them; with women they are often viewed as symbols of entrapment. For this semiotic reading traditionally the parrot is caged or the woman is restricted by objects in the painting. In this work, however, the woman does not appear to be restrained by anything. Whoever she was, she was most likely wealthy as parrots were also a status symbol of the gentry, signifying the vastness of the British Empire’s exploits around the world and the exotic rewards that came with it.

Southwark Heritage Centre



Portrait of an Unknown Woman with a Parrot


oil on canvas


H 90 x W 70.5 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

bequeathed by George Vaughan

Work type



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Southwark Heritage Centre

Walworth Road, London, Greater London SE17 1RY England

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