Standing Stones
Standing Stones
Standing Stones
Standing Stones
Standing Stones
Standing Stones
Standing Stones
Standing Stones

© the copyright holder. Image credit: Loughborough University

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In 1957 Loughborough College of Technology was granted College of Advanced Technology status, a move which enabled it to expand student numbers. Shortly after, the first halls of the Student Village were built, with each having a sculpture commissioned or purchased to enhance its environs. Standing Stones is one such work. Its combination of modernist and ancient forms mean it seems, in one sense, to exist outside of history. Yet in another it is very much of its moment, simultaneously expressing a bold concrete hope for the future and harking back to a pre-industrial past: a tension keenly felt in the decades of post-war expansion. On Traherne's death in 2006 'The Independent' wrote that she ‘was one of a group of gifted, highly professional women who turned, in a male-dominated fine art world, to the applied arts in the post-war period.

Loughborough University



Standing Stones




moulded concrete


H 217 x W 483 x D 1.1 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased, c.1960

Work type



at all times


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Normally on display at

Loughborough University

Epinal Way, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU England

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