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One a pair of Chinese (?) figures of Tsze Yin standing on carp. Consisting of a carved light brown/orange coloured sandstone figure of Tsze Yin. There are large black polka dots across the front surface of the statuette. He stands with his left leg raised behind his back with incised scales on his right leg. In his left hand he holds a triangular-shaped object and his right hand is held up towards his ear. He leans slightly to the left with carved frilling down his left side. His facial features portray him with a pointy nose and chin, with a long forehead. One wooden peg is in the base of the statue in order to attach it to BORGM: 1973.91b.1.

Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum



Tsze Ying*



Accession number

BORGM:1973.95b.2 BORGM

Acquisition method

bequeathed by Miss G. L. Sherrin, 1973

Work type



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Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum

Russell-Cotes Road, East Cliff, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 3AA England

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