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A Chinese (?) soapstone carving of a seated figure of Tung Fang-So with staff and deer. The figure is facing forward with his right hand holding a staff which is leaning against the right shoulder while the left hand is resting on top of the deer's head. The sculpture is made of a light brown beige soapstone with a red vein running through. The base is probably of the same material, showing a rock design and jagged irregular edges. Small holes have been punctuated across the surface of the base.

Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum



Tung Fang-So*



Accession number


Acquisition method

bequeathed by Miss G. L. Sherrin, 1973

Work type



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Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum

Russell-Cotes Road, East Cliff, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 3AA England

This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue.
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