Southmead Hospital

North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital

Visit by appointment

Medical institution in Bristol

45 artworks

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More about

Southmead Hospital, part of North Bristol NHS Trust, is sited in the North West part of Bristol. The hospital opened in 1902 as a workhouse, three buildings of which remain on site today. Southmead is renowned for a range of major pioneering specialties including renal and transplant, neurosurgery, urology, orthopaedics and maternity services. In 2014, acute services at Frenchay and Southmead Hospitals will combine within a new hospital at the Southmead site.

Fresh Arts, North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB England

0117 323 5501 or mobile 07554 334 828

Before making a visit, check opening hours with the venue