Completed British 19th C, except portraits 12 Can we date precisely this painting of the church of St Wulfram, Abbeville in France and confirm that it is by Lewis John Wood?

Topic: Execution date

This could well date from the 1850s or 1860s. It was a favourite subject. The artist exhibited at the British Institution: in 1856 (no 477) ‘Abbeville’ 20 guineas; in 1865 (no 168) ‘Abbeville Cathedral’; 1859 (no 80) West front of the Cathedral at Abbeville and (no 273) ‘St Wulfram, Abbeville Portaile de la facade principale’ and at the Royal Academy in 1859 (no 923) ‘St Wulfram, Abbeville, Picardy.

Martin Hopkinson, Entry reviewed by Art UK

Completed, Outcome

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Louis Musgrove,

And here is an 1871 drawing of the houses over the canal- By S Read- who may be the Samuel Read who lived in Ipswich-- So this view existed then. I think this drawing is quite accurate.

Jacinto Regalado,

Going by the titles of the Abbeville pictures Wood exhibited, this one would seem to fit best the "Abbeville" of 1856, since it includes the cathedral but in the background, behind the local colour of domestic architecture, whereas all other titles suggest a greater focus and emphasis on the cathedral proper.

Louis Musgrove,

Just for further interest. In this Wood's painting.The angles on the Cathedral indicate a position quite close to the Cathedral for drawing purposes.Match the pinacles of the flying butresses to the roof line,and the angles of the main towers. If you look at an old map of Abbeville- the canal with a bridge of houses- now gone --is some way away.
Here is current street view from where I think Wood's sketched the Cathedral. Outside 7 Rue Lefebure de Cisey.Quite close!,1.831118,3a,75y,36.99h,97.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8iYBi3mcUatdxEjyadJIsg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Jacinto Regalado,

Since the cathedral has long been the chief landmark of Abbeville, it is bound to appear in a topographic view made for foreigners, either as the main focus or as a backdrop, as here. Thus, the title of simply "Abbeville" could be used for this picture, whereas the title of a picture focused on the cathedral would refer to it explicitly.