Completed London: Artists and Subjects 14 comments Could this be your garden?

© the copyright holder. Photo credit: City of London Corporation
Do any Wandsworth residents recognise this garden?
Completed, Outcome
This painting depicts the view from an upper-rear window at 66 Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth (where the artist lived from the late 1960s to the early 1980s). As such, its date of execution is likely to be during this period.
Thank you to all for participating in this discussion, particularly Osmund. To those viewing this discussion for the first time, please see below for all comments that led to this conclusion.
If the collection one day wish to update this artwork's Art UK page in light of this information, the collection should contact Art UK directly (
Have you sent this to the Wandsworth Guardian newspaper ( and the community website (
I have now sent this to the Wandsworth Guardian.
This is probably the view from the back of 66 Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth (SW18 3DN), looking WNW across the gardens to the rear of the east side of Westover Rd. Past the terrace end you can also see the fronts of a pair of houses on the west side of Westover Rd, and judging by Street View these closely match the appearance of nos 52/54 and 56/58 (SW18 2RH) - hard to tell which without a visit to check the angles. The terrace end is slightly deceptive, as since the picture was painted it has had an extension built covering it, and the adjacent trees have grown much bigger.
London telephone directories show Robert Powter living at 66 Earlsfield Road from around 1969 (perhaps 68) till at least 1983.
This is near my home, and I will try and get over there to confirm in the next few days. I might even knock at the door of 66 Earlsfield Rd and ask if I can take a photo from upstairs!
Well, I paid a quick visit this evening. I can confirm this is the view from an upper rear window at 66 Earlsfield Rd, Wandsworth (where Robert Powter lived late 60s/early 80s), across the gardens to the backs of nos 65-67 Westover Rd, and past the side of no 67 across the road to nos 52-54 Westover Rd. I'm attaching a couple of shots I took as the light was fading - the orientation is nearly right, but the viewpoints are closer and at ground level.
I would suggest a 1970s date; and perhaps a description along the lines of "Rear gardens at Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth, London - Westover Road beyond".
I think this seems a good attribution so would recommend the Guildhall Art Gallery is informed.
Thank you.
If any doubt remains in the Guildhall's mind, I'm happy to call at 66 Earlsfield Rd and see if they'll let me take a photo from an upper window. If it ever stops raining, that is...
I have just spoken to the Guildhall Art Gallery. They are going to check their records to see if anything comes up that contradicts any of the information in this discussion. They will then write a comment to confirm the end of the discussion in due course.
Osmund Bullock: Please would you be kind enough to upload your pictures to Wikimedia Commons, with a link to this discussion, and an open licence, so that they may be sued by anyone writing about this work?
I can try, Andy, though it's not something I've attempted before - not very tech-savvy, I'm afraid. And I do hope nobody gets sued (sic) as a result...!
Andy, on reflection I'm not sure it's terribly nice to upload pictures of other people's houses - especially the detailed rear view not visible from the street - on to such a public resource as Wikimedia Commons...and certainly not without asking the owners first. Perhaps I am being over-cautious, but I prefer to err in that direction.
Art Detective is a relatively minor backwater of the internet, so I think there is less of an issue here - but even so I would suggest that after this discussion is closed the images and/or their precise location be removed.
I agree with Osmund. Andy - regarding information being added to Wikipedia from Art Detective please contact the PCF directly
I suppose it's my vanity, but it's a little disappointing not have had ANY feedback on here yet from the Guildhall - I mean, it was (I presume) they who asked for help...or have I misunderstood?